Posts Tagged ‘States-General of the Netherlands’

Geert Wilders’ TRIAL halted as Judge accused of BIAS

October 4, 2010
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    4th October, 2010

    Reported at The Guardian – note the “far-right”.  He isn’t; he is more like a right-leaning British Liberal Democrat, or perhaps one of today’s left-leaning Conservatives.

    It looks like the British papers and political classes won’t be able to ignore or dismiss Mr Wilders any more as has been their wont hitherto. This disgraceful trial of a leading politician, a man whose party has recently attracted around 20% of the vote, which is now the third party in Holland and is about to hold the balance of power, would be the equivalent of seeing Nick Clegg in the dock.

    Of course this is never likely to happen to Mr Clegg, as he and his party see no issues with creeping Islamification of our country or of any western countries. And what of his partners in coalition – the Conservatives? Or the official opposition Ed Miliband’s Labour party? Answer came there none. For all three main British political parties there is no problem here. Is it any wonder many of us feel completely disenfranchised?

    Geert Wilders trial halted as lawyer accuses judge of bias

    While Islamist fundamentalists KILL, threaten democracy and attack freedom, Geert Wilders sits in a court in freedom-loving Amsterdam accused of "hate speech" against these fundamentalists !!!!!

    The reason the trial was suspended? Mr Wilders decided to exercise his legal right to remain silent. The presiding judge remarked to the effect, “you don’t always remain silent outside of this court.” (paraphrased. The exchange is NOT reported in full, interestingly, at The Guardian). To this from the judge Geert Wilders’ counsel responded that the judge was betraying his own bias. He demanded new judges.

    Guardian excerpt follows. Note the use of the phrase “Islam-baiters”. Would that be similar to “Blair-Baiters”?

    Oh no, of course not.

    Baiting a sentient being is quite acceptable; baiting a religion is clearly a big “No-No”:

    “Dutch far-right leader’s advocate challenges presiding judge’s comment on opening day of Wilders’ trial for inciting racial hatred

    Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom party and one of Europe’s leading Islam-baiters, went on trial today charged with hate speech and inciting racism, but the case was swiftly engulfed by uncertainty after a challenge over alleged judges’ bias.

    The opening of the trial, expected to last a month in Amsterdam, followed a successful weekend for the maverick Dutch politician, with his influence over a new rightwing government confirmed and a campaign speech in Germany aimed at establishing a trans-national European movement against Muslim immigration.

    Wilders entered the dock amid heavy security and promptly affirmed his commitment to free speech, dismissing the charges against him while not entering a plea.

    Also see Telegraph report. Excerpt:

    “I am on trial, but on trial with me is the freedom of expression of many Dutch citizens,” he said.

    Mr Wilders launched his political crusade against Islam after resigning from the centre-right VVD party in 2005 over its support for EU membership for Turkey.

    He then polarised the country by making the first European call for full Islamic dress to be banned. In 2005, he was given police protection after the exposure of an Islamist terrorist plot on his life.”

    His point proven? Sane minds might assume so. But are those who threaten his life also in court? Of course not. Such as these can threaten to kill and get away with it.  While such as Wilders can highlight their threats to kill and be up in court for doing so.

    PLEASE, lawmakers and lawyers – get a grip, before the public does. This can’t go on.


    Wilders, pictured in court today, leads the third-largest party in the Dutch parliament.

    So why is a Dutch politician on trial? He hasn’t killed anyone, nor threatened to. He hasn’t physically attacked anyone, nor threatened to. He hasn’t encouraged  anyone else to attack or kill. He is on trial for HATE SPEECH!!

    “Hate speech” for highlighting some who have done all three aforementioned.

    What Geert Wilders has done is to describe a religion as he sees it – a danger to liberty in the Netherlands, Europe and the world.

    And today the 47 year-old member of parliament, whose trial opened in Amsterdam, faces imprisonment or a large fine.


    Recent history leading up to Wilders’ trial today.

    On January 20th this year he first appeared in court. This is the only video I have been able to find right now. Apologies that it comes from a BNP YouTube site. The British National Party is a racist party. The huge majority of us are NOT racist.


    The above is an 8 minute excerpt of Wilders’ counsel arguing that this court on 20th January is invalid.

    blogspotKitmanTV | 03 March 2010

    Watch the complete 30 minute subtitled version here:…
    And all the best Wilders Speeches here:…

    Thanks to the unnamed photographer and translator.
    Thanks to Hollandse Nieuwe for the full length upload at living scoop –…


    More on the January/February 2010 court appearances here at UNDhimmi

    The crooked judges of Amsterdam (7:51)

    patcondell | 05 February 2010

    Europe’s cultural inquisition begins.

    Far-right Dutch deputy Geert Wilders, author o...Since the recent Dutch elections Wilders’ political support has grown and thus his profile has been raised exponentially. He supports Free Speech, and does not support the tide of Islam which he sees as sweeping through his country, all of Europe and the wider western world.For that he is on trial in his own land.

    Meanwhile those who follow the religion he criticises KILL and ATTACK people and encourage others to do both. Bin Laden has today claimed that the Europe terror plots are his.

    Makes you proud to support FREEDOM and freedom of speech, doesn’t it?

    An excellent article here by Abigail R. Esman –

    Democracy on Trial: Geert Wilders Goes To Court

    Image by AFP/Getty Images via @daylife

    It may well become the trial of the century: this week, Dutch MP Geert Wilders stands before the judge on charges of “sowing hate” through his speeches and writings about Islam.

    But it is not Geert Wilders who really is on trial here: it is, rather, that sacred principle of free speech on which democracy and the Enlightenment are born.

    This, of course, is what makes the Wilders case so ironic – and so tragic: in speaking out to defend the free democracy of the Netherlands from the incursion of oppressive, Islamist influences and attempts to exercise power, he has been silenced by the very government he is struggling to protect.

    Go figure.

    The trial has been repeatedly postponed since it first opened in Amsterdam last January, after an earlier high court ruling dismissing the charges was appealed in the lower Amsterdam courts.   For Wilders, however, its timing could not come at a more strategic moment. As the founder and leader of Holland’s far-right Freedom Party (PVV), Wilders is not only Holland’s most controversial politician, but also its most-favored, ranking higher in the polls now than it did after a sweeping victory in parliamentary elections this past June.  Moreover, just last week, after months of debate, the Dutch parliament finally settled on a new coalition government that will include support from the PVV under Wilders’ leadership.

    The lawsuit itself centers around Wilders’ statements comparing of the Koran to Mein Kampf , as well as other anti-Islam remarks he has made in recent years. Also at issue is his film, “Fitna,” which includes newsreel footage of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslim extremists.  The charge – that he is inciting hate and has insulted Muslims – carries no small cost: if he loses, the 47-year-old Wilders could face a prison term of up to two years.

    Yet the whole case bespeaks, in fact, the very viability of Wilders’ accusations; for not since the founding of the Third Reich have the principles of our democracy been so at risk as they have been during the nine years since 9/11, challenged at every turn by followers of Salafism and other strains of fundamentalist Islam – and by the West’s efforts at responding to radical Islam within its borders.  Hence the threats against cartoonists who draw images of Mohammed; hence the censorship of television shows and theater productions; hence the brutal murder of filmmaker and commentator Theo van Gogh by a Muslim extremist on the streets of Amsterdam, not far from the courthouse where Geert Wilders is being tried.  Now, it is speech itself we stand to lose. It is our ideas that may be stifled and suppressed.

    And so it is not just Wilders whose future is as stake, but that of Western civilization, of the ideals which are our guiding light. Agree with Mr. Wilders’ views or not, one can only hope, then, that the judges whom he faces will uphold his right to speak them; and from the courthouse steps out onto the streets, across the canals of Amsterdam and beyond, that they will defy those who try to silence him, with the sound of freedom ringing.

    And the other day, in Denmark?

    Hizb ut-Tahrir: no such thing as a ‘Danish Muslim’

    Group says that Islamic faith should be identity enough

    Hizb Ut-Tahrir-Skandinavien holder den årlige konference i Bella Center i København søndag d.3.oktober 2010, hvor emnet var Muslimernes rolle i Vesten. Mænd og kvinder var adskilt. (Foto: Søren Bidstrup/Scanpix 2010)

    The conference featured separate men’s and women’s areas for attendees

    At its annual conference this weekend, Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir called on Muslims to be proud of their faith and not label themselves as Danish Muslims or French Muslims.

    During the conference, themed on the Muslims’ role in the West, the message to Muslims was that their faith should be their identity.

    At the conference, Jaweed Yusuf, a member of the group, explained that it was their duty to call others to Islam, however difficult that might be and whatever consequences it might entail.

    The group, which has been subject to controversy in Denmark, denied rumours that its members plan to run for parliamentary election, or that it supports the use violence to achieve its goals.