Video on the TRAITOR Galloway’s exclusion from Canada


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24th March, 2009

A video on the ban of George Galloway from Canada

More here from Lambeth Walk including video of his defence of the Sudan genocide and dictator Omar al-Bashir


The Galloway Ban – Part 2

This video culminates with this disgraceful excuse for a human being saying:

Freedom of speech is not an absolute so, unusually, I fully support the British government’s decision to ban him (Geert Wilders) and send him back to Holland today. And shame on those parliamentarians – all members of the House of Lords – who were sitting waiting for him with their little film show of their dirty little film.”

And now he complains because Canada has banned him!

“In 2008 it was alleged that George Galloway’s laughable views are in fact the result of a long running pub bet. Galloway adopted the most ridiculous opinions it is possible to hold in order to see how many people he could get to support him, purely for the amusement of Galloway and his friends.”

Sounds like a reasonable defence in the High Court, don’t you think?

More from the YouTube channel hosting this video:

“A nation can survive its fools… but it cannot survive treason from within. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.”
-Cicero 42 B.C.


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4 Responses to “Video on the TRAITOR Galloway’s exclusion from Canada”

  1. Caela Says:

    And yet there are people with the nerve to call Galloway a ‘patriot’. These people are dangerous, some of them have some twisted thinking that the Jews are the terrorists of the world and Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and Taliban are the real heroes. Really?

  2. keeptonyblairforpm Says:

    These people would (possibly) include such as Lauren Booth (TB sister-in-law), Tony Benn, Claire Short.

    Education, education, education!

    Where did it all go wrong, Mr Blair?

  3. Quietzapple Says:

    Canada is home to the largest Somali muslim diaspora I believe, I was extensively attacked by one shortly before I was banned from C i F a few years back. Wiki has it that there are over 60,000. We get neo nasties everywhere . . .

    It would not surprise me if Galloway’s presence there was to incite violence from both sides. But the Canadians may well have their own reasons.

    Wilders is at least as extreme, he simply tries to present himself more acceptably, the effect here would be much the same, and many of the objectors would not be muslims, many of those seeking to exploit the potential for violence would not be BNP members.

    Like a majority of Britons I am quite clear that Israel has gone too far in bombing women and children in Gaza, a deprived territory by any standard. I could characterise those who disagree in an inflammatory way, but doubt that would be helpful.

    I was interested recently to read that the concept of “proportionate response” is a Christian one, and that, according to Prof Geoffrey Alderman, who writes as an expert on the Jewish perspective, that Jews should not adopt it.

    “Dear Rabbi Goldberg

    I have been invited to consider the present Israeli action in Gaza from a religious perspective.

    “The Halachah is crystal clear. It is entirely legitimate to kill a rodef – that is to say, one who endangers the life of another – and this is true, incidentally, even if the rodef has not yet actually taken another life. So the Judaism that I practise permits what is generally referred to as “pre-emptive” military action.

    “In this particular case, the ruling power, Hamas, has advertised (in its charter) that its mission is to kill Jewish people. Therefore every member and supporter of Hamas may be considered a rodef.

    “What precise kind of pre-emptive military action might one take? A great deal has been said about “proportionality”. This may be a Christian idea, but thankfully it is certainly not a Jewish one.”

    The Gazza rockets were a real and deadly nuisance to Israelis, the response was murderous beyond any reasonable comparison.

    As for the way ahead British Foreign Secretary David Miliband recommends a useful article by an arab peacemaker through this excellent blog:

    • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

      Difference bewteen Galloway and Wilders? Wilders loves his country and culture; Galloway hates his.

      As for Gaza – few if any of us can have been happy at the death toll. But, as with Hiroshima, sometimes disproportionate force works.

      Thanks for the links. This one on Somalia is good background material and shows the complexities of national and international politics.

      But I am NOT impressed by Mr Miliband, especially over his (via the Jerusalem Consulate) response to the Palestinians settlers issue. He shows some ignorance of the facts of ownership of that land.

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