NEWSFLASH! Wilders allowed to speak in Rome. NO RIOTS … tch tch



“That’s all the news so far. No word yet on the reaction of the “Muslim street”. If I hear anything more, I’ll let you know.” See “Gates of Vienna”

Wilders speech with video links to speech and walkabout. Fancy that! He didn’t get shot!

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

Click this Islamic Terrorists logo box to get the code to use at your site:

Also from “The Religion of Peace”: Weekly Jihad Report, Feb 7-13 2009 – Jihad attacks 49, Dead bodies 212, Critically injured 337.

If you take exception to this information, please be assured that I take exception to its being ignored in my country, Britain, as having little relevance to the current debate (or lack of debate). This is not to imply that ALL Muslims are jihadists, far from it.  But ask yourself this: ‘how many terror attacks are happening worldwide in ANY other name?’ It’s get your head out of the sand time. Let’s DEAL with it, before it deals with us.

Comment at end

21st February, 2009


What? Are you telling me that WW3 didn’t break out in Italy after Geert Wilders’ speech?  The hot-blooded latins didn’t set fire to the Colosseum? They didn’t lynch the atheist President or the Roman Catholic Prime Minister? The resident Muslims didn’t march in protest in their thousands?

Come ON – surely that can’t be right?!

How disappointing. How irritating for the dhimmi British government that they could NOT justify THEIR shameful banning of the Dutch EU MP last week.

Mr Brown (allegedly prime minister) was not able to utter in muted, told-you-so tones – “just exactly what we wish to avoid here in Britain.”

Ms Smith (sacrificial Home Secretary) could not opine “this proves how right we were to keep hate speech out of our country.”


When the facts get in the way of a good cover-up?


Feb 10th, Rome, Italy. A pro-Israel rally at which 100 MPs attended. No riots here either. What's WRONG with these people!!!?

From this Danish site

Video Roma: consegna del premio Oriana Fallaci a Geert Wilders, og Video: byvandring, Forum Romanum, Via Condotti, Den Spanske Trappe, Victor Emmanuel lagkagen og flere livvagter end der kan tælles.

Rome, February 19, 2009

Signore e signori, molte grazie. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much.

I feel very honoured to have been invited to speak here in Rome, to speak here in this splendid city, the cradle of our Western civilization. As you perhaps know, Oriana Fallaci is one of my heroes. She definitely was one of the greatest examples of bravery and honesty. Her brilliant books ‘The Rage and the Pride’ and ‘The Force of Reason’ are my guidelines that inspire me day after day. Mr. Manocchia, Una via per Oriana, thank you very much for remembering the great Oriana Fallaci. The world should remember her forever.

Ladies and gentlemen, following in the footsteps of Oriana Fallaci, I want to warn you for a great threat. This great threat is called Islam.

Islam is build on two rocks. First there is the Koran, Allah’s personal word, with orders that need to be fulfilled by Muslims regardless of place and time. As you know, the Koran calls for hatred, violence, submission, murder, terrorism, war, Jihad. The Koran calls upon Muslims to kill non-Muslims and he Koran considers Jews to be monkeys and pigs. That is why the great German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer called the Koran inferior. That is why former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Oriana Fallaci compared the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Second, there is the so called perfect man: Muhammad. His deeds have to be imitated by all Muslims, and since Muhammad was a warlord and executed prisoners of war we know exactly what to expect. The brave American apostate dr. Wafa Sultan said: “The problem is that the Koran clearly says that Muhammad should be a role model for every Muslim. You are not allowed to criticise him, but you should follow in his footsteps. As a Muslim it is your mission to spread Islam by the sword”.

Please, ladies and gentlemen, let no one fool you: Islam means submission, so there cannot be any mistake about its goal. There are moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam.

– – – – – – – – –

A total of 54 million Muslims live across Europe. In less than half a century the number of Muslims has increased rapidly. The Islamization of Europe affects the European achievements of the last century. The question is: Are we prepared to defend our achievements? Are we prepared to defend the equality of men and women? Are we prepared to defend the equality of homo- and heterosexuals? Are we prepared to defend the separation of Church and State? Are we prepared to defend freedom of speech?

Ladies and gentlemen, I would not qualify myself as a free man. Four and a half years ago I lost my freedom. Since then I am under 24-hour police protection. As if that is not enough, the most radical Dutch Imam claimed 55.000 euros in compensation for his hurt feelings because of ‘Fitna’. The State of Jordan is possibly going to issue a request for my extradition to stand trial in Amman. The Amsterdam Court of Appeal ordered my criminal prosecution for making ‘Fitna’ and for my political views on Islam. And last week the British government refused my entrance into the United Kingdom because me showing ‘Fitna’ in the British House of Lords at the invitation of a British parliamentarian would be a threat to British public security. This is the alarming state of freedom of speech in today’s Europe: Criticizing Islam has become a dangerous activity, criticizing Islam has apparently become a criminal act.

You just saw ‘Fitna’. My name is on the credit roll, but like you have seen, ‘Fitna’ is actually not made by me, but is made by radical Muslims, the Koran and Islam itself. If ‘Fitna’ is considered to be hate speech, then what is the Koran? If I am considered to be a threat to public security, then what is Islam?

The Court’s decision and my ban by the British government are two major victories for Islam. Both institutions have sided with Islam. The first Soviet leader, Lenin, once labelled ignorant people that unknowingly aided his cause as ‘useful idiots’. Well, the Court and the British government are the ‘useful idiots’ of today, and I think they are even proud of it.

The Court’s decision and my ban by the British government are also two major victories for all those who hate freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech — the dearest of our liberties — is under attack in today’s Europe. Oriana Fallaci herself had to live in fear of extradition to Switzerland because of her book ‘The Rage and the Pride’. Recently, Susanne Winter, an Austrian politician, was sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for telling the truth about Muhammad. The Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot was arrested by ten police men because of his drawings, and on top of all that, we now have the decisions of the Inquisition-like Court in Amsterdam and the Dhimmi British government.

Freedom of speech is no longer a given in Europe. What we once considered to be a natural component of our existence is now something we have to fight for. That is what is at stake. Whether or not I end up in jail is not the most important issue. The question is: Will free speech be put behind bars?

I repeat the words inscribed on the headstone of the murdered Dutch anti-Islam politician dr. Pim Fortuyn, who lies buried here in Italy and would have celebrated his birthday today: ‘loquendi libertatum custodiamus’, let us guard freedom of speech.

That is why I propose the withdrawal of all hate speech legislation in Europe. I propose a European First Amendment. Freedom of speech is the keystone of our Western civilization, it is the keystone of our democracies and the keystone of our freedom. That is why freedom of speech should be extended instead of restricted. Salman Rushdie’s ‘The Satanic Verses’, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s and Theo van Gogh’s film ‘Submission’, Kurt Westergaard’s cartoons and my documentary ‘Fitna’ should never be banned, but should be protected. As George Orwell once said: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is five to twelve. In Europe, our freedom is at stake. Islam is Europe’s Trojan Horse. The differences between Saudi-Arabia and the Netherlands, between Iran and Italy are blurring. The first Islamic invasion of Europe was stopped at Poitiers in 732. The second Islamic invasion was halted at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Now we have to stop the current — stealth — Islamic invasion. Ladies and gentlemen, once Islam conquered Constantinople, now it wants to conquer Rome. We have to stop the Islamization of Europe, because if we don’t, Europe will become Eurabia.

Fortunately there is some hope. This hope does not come from governments, but from the people. In the Netherlands, 60 percent of the population considers mass immigration to be the number one policy mistake since the Second World War. Another 60 percent sees Islam as the biggest threat to our national identity. I am convinced that the public opinion in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and here in Italy isn’t much different.

We have to maintain our values. We have to maintain our liberties. We have to maintain our civilization. We have to maintain the heritage of Rome, because we owe it to our children.

As Oriana Fallaci once said: “The moment you give up your principles, and your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead”.

Thank you very much.   via  Gates of Vienna

No Speech, Please , We’re British

by Christopher Caldwell

Britain’s politicians care so much about constitutional protections for human rights that they have two sets of them–the centuries-old traditions laid out by parliament and precedent and the newfangled European Convention on Human Rights, written into British law in 1998. Neither of these stopped Britain from becoming the first European Union country to bar an elected European legislator from its territory for his political opinions on February 12.

The Dutch MP Geert Wilders heads the Freedom party, which holds 9 of the 150 seats in the Second Chamber in The Hague. He has been preoccupied with militant Islam at least since November 2004, when the filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered by a Muslim fanatic in Amsterdam, and Wilders’s own name turned up on a jihadist hit list. In March 2008, Wilders released Fitna, a 15-minute film, on the Internet. It details contemporary Islamist outrages and locates their inspiration not in any perversion of Islam but in specific suras of the Koran itself, which Wilders likens to Mein Kampf and urges authorities to ban.

When two members of the House of Lords invited Wilders to give a screening of his film, the rabble-rousing Labour peer Lord Ahmed threatened to put 10,000 people in the streets. The home secretary, Jacqui Smith, warned Wilders that he would not be admitted to the U.K., since “your statements about Muslims and their beliefs, as expressed in your film Fitna and elsewhere, would threaten community harmony and therefore public security in the U.K.” Wilders came anyway, on a British Midlands flight packed with 50 journalists and cameramen. When he was turned away as promised, he called British prime minister Gordon Brown “the biggest coward in Europe.”

This episode, taken together with the ongoing attempt by Wilders’s opponents in the Netherlands to have him prosecuted for discrimination and incitement to hatred, reflects the European confusion about what free speech is and how it is best protected. Author Kenan Malik, a veteran of London antiracist movements, was most disturbed that “Wilders was penalized not for what he did but for what someone else may have done to him. That is neither logical nor just.” There was confusion on both sides of the Channel. Dutch foreign minister Maxime Verhagen protested to the British government before and after Wilders’s arrival, but he had said of Fitna when it first came out: “Freedom of expression doesn’t mean the right to offend.” Many would say that freedom of expression is a synonym for the right to offend.

Two things are being mixed up: freedom of speech and freedom of movement. Under the old, pre-EU dispensation, Britain would have been entitled to turn Wilders around at Heathrow. Just because a country protects free speech for its own citizens does not give it any obligation to admit any foreigner for any reason. During the Cold War, the United States permitted its citizens to spout Communist propaganda to their hearts’ content, but it also passed the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act in 1952 to bar foreigners considered ideologically undesirable. By the end of the Cold War, there were 368,000 people–Gabriel García Márquez and Pablo Neruda among them–to whom the government said: No pasarán. More recently, the State Department withdrew its visa to the Swiss Islam scholar Tariq Ramadan without feeling the need to explain its actions in detail.

The problem is that Britain has–by act of Parliament–subordinated its own laws to the European Convention on Human Rights. Brussels, not Westminster, sets the rules. In the human rights context Wilders is a fellow European. And the British action sets a new precedent for relations among EU citizens. That is why promoters of the European Union were so upset by Wilders’s exclusion, even on the left. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, for instance, called it “indefensible.”

There was a lot of huffing and puffing about the necessity of banning Wilders. Foreign secretary David Miliband and left-wing MP Keith Vaz were particularly insistent, although both admitted to not having seen the film, which is ubiquitous on the Internet. An Observer editorial called it a mistake to bar Wilders, but felt the need to add that he and his movie were “poisonous,” “brutal,” “shoddy,” “deluded,” “grotesque,” and “odious.” The most common criticism was that creating a cause célèbre played into the hands of Wilders, helping a publicity hound to spread his obnoxious ideas. But most politics today–from announcing mission accomplished in Iraq on the decks of the USS Abraham Lincoln to peddling a stimulus package in front of jobless people in Elkhart, Indiana–involves publicity. When you cut through the hemming and hawing and question-dodging, the only grounds for banning Wilders would be that he is a racist. Is he?

Wilders is not a crank (or not just a crank), and 84 percent of Dutch people object to the way the British handled him. Wilders is a politician of the center-right who drifted away from the market-liberal VVD (over the party’s EU policy) shortly before the murder of van Gogh. Like his former fellow party member Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who described Wilders as “definitely not a racist”), he went into hiding in the days after the van Gogh murder. His party took 6 percent of the vote in the last election, but a recent poll showed that if elections were held today it would win 25 seats in the Second Chamber, just two behind the country’s largest party.

He talks a mile a minute, and, when I interviewed him in 2005, he repudiated attempts to link him to the hard-right Belgian party then called the Vlaams Blok: “I would never do that,” he said. “I remember the Vlaams Blok from years ago, and many of the same people are in place.” Nor was he an ignoramus about Islam–he had read a lot of books by serious scholars. But he was insistent that there was a lot to worry about. “I’m not saying this out of xenophobia,” he said. “There are a million Muslims in the country, and they are heading all the wrong lists.”

In August 2007, Wilders wrote in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, “I’ve had enough of Islam in the Netherlands–not one more Muslim immigrant. I’ve had enough of Allah and Mohammed in the Netherlands–not one more mosque.” He announced that he was working on a film about the Koran, and rumors began to fly that a Koran would be torn onscreen. Or perhaps burned. The Malaysian ambassador to the Netherlands warned that violence would ensue that would make the Danish cartoon riots look “like a picnic.” The Dutch cabinet drew up emergency plans and practiced evacuations for its embassies. Queen Beatrix devoted her Christmas speech to tolerance.

So when the film came out it was a bit of an anticlimax. It was a confused and choppy collage–a bit like the Beatles’ “Revolution 9.” Wilders didn’t use any incendiary language, only the footage of actual Islamist atrocities, interspersed with the text of a half-dozen suras. A lot of it was, to be sure, horrifying: clips of planes hitting the World Trade Center, bodies falling from the building, audio of the 911 calls (”I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die! I’m burning up!”), a 3-year-old girl saying she had learned in the Koran that Jews were “apes and pigs,” the beheading of a hostage in Iraq, the beheading of (one assumes) an adulteress, signs at marches reading God Bless Hitler and Freedom Go To Hell, and then the ripped page. But here Wilders struck a conciliatory note: “The sound you heard was a page being removed from the phonebook. For it is not up to me but to Muslims themselves to tear out the hateful verses from the Koran.”

One suspects that Britain is excluding Wilders–and that the Netherlands is prosecuting him–not because his views are divorced from reality but because they make a certain contact with it. He is, after all, not the first to describe the Koran as a war manual: Schopenhauer, Renan, and Churchill said such things, and Afshin Ellian, the Iranian-Dutch legal philosopher, has noted in recent weeks that Erasmus–that great icon of the pan-European open society–was considerably tougher on Islam than is Wilders.

Of course, none of this makes Fitna a good film or a fair film. In calling for the Koran to be banned, Wilders runs into two big problems. The first might be called the grandfathering problem. It has recently occurred to censorious radicals that there is no particular reason that the monuments of our culture should be exempt from the ideological censorship we bestow on newer works. Thus, in recent years, evangelical Christians in Britain have been interrogated on suspicion of homophobia on the basis of the scriptures they were distributing. There is a similar obtuseness in Wilders’s denial that the Koran is a monument of a magnificently impressive culture, even if it is not our culture.

The second problem is the sauce-for-the-goose problem. Wilders has on many occasions urged that the Netherlands ban Muslim radicals. He even argued against admitting Khalid Yasin, a hardline Muslim preacher from Sheffield, England. As Ian Bur-uma notes: “For a man who calls for a ban on the Koran to act as the champion of free speech is a bit rich.”

That’s quite right as an intellectual matter. But what is important about Wilders is the legal matter. He is not concerned about free speech. He is concerned about Islam. What makes this a free-speech issue is the actions of the Dutch and British government. Wilders’s arguments should be met with other arguments. They should not be met with threats of jail.

Do European speech laws now favor Islam? Has Britain, the cradle of free speech, ceased to care about it? People ask such questions as if they are rhetorical and can be answered only with a sigh or a sad nod. In fact, they are real questions with real answers.

Yes, there is increasingly a special regime for speech concerning Islam, or at least concerning religion. After the murder of van Gogh in 2004, the Dutch justice minister, Piet-Hein Donner, urged that blasphemy laws that had fallen into desuetude be revived to protect Muslims. He failed, but so did efforts to eliminate those laws, and Donner’s successor, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, has sought to strengthen them in recent weeks. Dutch elite opinion now leans towards the idea that one should try not to give the Muslim populations any cause for anger. In Britain, Muslims sought in 2006 a “law against incitement to religious hatred.” Before it passed, the House of Lords altered it to ensure that it would not chill critical discussion of any religion. Apparently they failed.

Yes, the British government has grown less interested in freedom. After the July 2005 transport bombings, and even more after the foiled airplane plot of the following summer, the government said so explicitly. “Traditional civil liberty arguments,” said Tony Blair, “are not so much wrong as just made for another age.” Since then, 270 people have been refused admission to Britain on grounds of sowing hate. Only four of these have been Europeans. This kind of disparate impact must leave Jacqui Smith feeling she has little to apologize for in banning Wilders.

The new European conception of freedom of speech, based on anti-racism, protects a lot less speech than did the old British and Dutch conceptions of freedom of speech, based on sovereignty. Maybe membership in the family of man relieves one of a certain amount of worry about the liberties of one’s fellow citizens.

Christopher Caldwell is a senior editor at THE WEEKLY STANDARD. His Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West will be published by Doubleday in July.


“WHY the double standards?” asks Peter Tatchell, with reference to the government’s recent bannings.

Peter Tatchell, from gay rights group OutRage!, said: “The Phelps are odious, homophobic bigots. They give Christianity a bad name.

“Objectionable though they are, I don’t agree with them being banned but since the Home Secretary banned the Dutch MP Geert Wilders at least she is being consistent by also banning these Christian preachers of hate.

“It makes it all the more odd that the Home Secretary has not banned Jamaican reggae singers who incite the murder of gay people.

“Why are they allowed in to the country but not the Phelps?

“Inciting murder is even worse than inciting hatred. Why the double standards?”

I don’t find myself all that often in agreement with Peter Tatchell, but on this he is right.

And I ask why was Wilders allowed in a matter of months ago, but now he isn’t?  It’s the economy, stupid. Can’t allow too many other little things like free speech to upset the natives, especially with elections due, now can we?


Three Cheers for free Italy – (Thanks to Centurean2)

Europe News: Wilders to receive award in Italy: At a freedom of expression conference in Rome on 19 February Geert Wilders will receive the “Premio Oriana Fallaci” (Oriana Fallaci Prize). Mr Wilders will show his film Fitna at the conference and it is expected that members of the Chamber of Deputies and members of the Senate of the Republic will be present to view the film. The British Government prevented Mr Wilders from similarly presenting his film in London thus highlighting the tattered state of freedom of expression in Great Britain.

More interesting links and articles from Europe News:

United Kingdom

Why we need a new Churchill to stand against Islamic extremists

Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom 20 February 2009
By Kevin Myers

It’s been a good few days for Islamicists. In Europe, an elected MEP, Geert Wilders, has been banned from Britain by the Home Secretary

Outrage as SOAS invites Hizbollah-linked speaker

Jewish Chronicle, UK 20 February 2009

By Marcus Dysch

Jewish groups have attacked plans to bring a Hizbollah-linked journalist to Britain for a conference on Islam. Ibrahim Mousawi is expected to speak at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies

Some Muslim schools ‘make children despise the West’: Ban on cricket and Harry Potter

Daily Mail, UK 20 February 2009
By Matthew Hickley

Some Islamic schools are promoting fundamentalist views and encouraging children to despise Western society, a report warns. An investigation by the Civitas social policy think-tank found websites

British politician calls for stamping out Muslim polygamy

SINDH TODAY, Pakistan 20 February 2009

London. leading female Muslim politician in Britain said Friday she wants the government to make it compulsory to register all religious marriages so Muslim men stop taking more than one wife.

Muslim schools ‘promote extremism’

Public Service, UK 20 February 2009

Some Muslim schools are using their websites to promote extreme Islamic fundamentalism, in particular views on girls and women that could prevent them from functioning as equals

Geert Wilder and the Swat Valley Follies: Tolerance or Cowardice?

OpEdNews, PA 20 February 2009
By Allan Goldstein

The British government refuses entry to Dutch politician Geert Wilder, because he made a 17 minute agit-prop movie equating the Koran with terrorism.

Polygamy: Muslim peer says issue has been avoided because of ‘cultural sensitivity’

The Muslim peer, who is also shadow minister for community cohesion, said there had been a “failure” by policy-makers to take polygamy seriously.

Geert Wilders Shows Fitna in Rome

Beernsandwiches 20 February 2009
By Aeneas

Gordon Brown missed the opportunity today to view the film Fitna today and shake the hand of champion of Western civilisation Geert Wilders who was showing his film in Rome.

Some Perspective on Eateries Going Halal

Islamist Watch Blog 20 February 2009
By David J.Rusin

Last week British tabloids had a field day reporting that the nation’s first halal Domino’s Pizza outlet had opened in Birmingham, serving food that conforms to Islamic specifications. This means no ham, bacon, or even

Muslim cleric wins compensation

B92, Serbia 20 February 2009

Strasbourg. The European Court of Human rights has awarded a radical Muslim preacher compensation for being unfairly detained without trial in the UK.

Some Muslim schools ‘make children despise the West’: Ban on cricket and Harry Potter

Daily Mail, UK 20 February 2009
By Matthew Hickley

Some Islamic schools are promoting fundamentalist views and encouraging children to despise Western society, a report warns.

Epic Fail: British Government apologizes for endorsing lesson plans calling for students to think like 7/7 bombers

Jihad Watch 20 February 2009

Hey, now, mass-murderers have feelings too. But it doesn’t mean young students should be encouraged to empathize or identify with them. At best, it’s creepy, and in horrendously…

Selective bravery is not very brave, UK 20 February 2009
By Jonathan Romain

Caryl Churchill’s play Seven Jewish Children – currently showing at the Royal Court Theatre, London – has not only raised many people’s blood-pressure, but has evoked wider issues of tolerance and offence.

Islamic fundamentalism promoted on websites at some Muslim schools in the UK, think tank finds, United Kingdom 20 February 2009
By Tom Whitehead

It warns the messages are threatening social cohesion and could fuel “ghettoization” and segregation.

Immigrant Gets Less than Two Years for Raping 15-Year-Old

A married man who used a 15-year-old schoolgirl as a sex object was jailed for 21 months today.

How identity cards will open a back door for terrorists at British airports

Sir – Dame Stella Rimington (“Spy chief: We risk a police state”, report, February 17) has said that the Government’s plans for identity cards were “absolutely useless” and would not make the public

Accountability and Defying Islamic Supremacism

Anti Jihad 19 February 2009
By Jeffrey Imm

Our generation shares the responsibility to challenge Islamic supremacism in America and around the world. Our responsibility is based on our nation and our leaders’ accountability in defending

Muslim preacher Anjem Choudary calls for people who get drunk to be flogged, UK 19 February 2009
By Ben Leach

The lawyer, who recently praised the Mumbai terror attacks, said anyone becoming intoxicated by alcohol should be given 40 lashes in public. He claimed alcohol was “the root of all evil”.

Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Britain awarded £2,500 after judges rule jailing him breached his…

Newstin 19 February 2009

Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Britain awarded £2,500 after judges rule locking up preacher of hate ‘breached human rights’ By James Slack Radical preacher Abu Qatada was today awarded

Freedom dies as radical Islam advances

Washington Examiner, DC 19 February 2009
By Meghan Cox Gurdon

Halfway through “Fitna,” the short film about radical Islam made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders, we see an angry imam, speaking Arabic and telling how it will be.

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11 Responses to “NEWSFLASH! Wilders allowed to speak in Rome. NO RIOTS … tch tch”

  1. Arlene Says:

    The entire country of Italy should receive an award for maintaining its freedom of speech laws. When in Rome, “do as the Romans do”, when in Britain, “do as the ……. do?”
    When is PM Brown going to speak up and admit that Britain made a huge mistake in banning Wilders? Sadly, I am beginning to believe that Wilders is correct in that PM Brown and the rest of your parliament really ARE cowards.
    When is Britain going to “Save the Queen”?

    • keeptonyblairforpm Says:



      God save our gracious put-upon victimised minorities of non-Christian heritage,
      Long live our noble down-and-out pressurised minorities of anti-Christian tendency,
      God save their scene.

      Send them victorious
      Happy and glorious
      Long to reign over us
      God save the human-rights-sanctified people of questionable loyalty and split personality.


      Well, OK. it doesn’t scan – but you get the picture.

      Mr Brown doesn’t ever admit to do anything wrong. And they used to say Blair was in denial. At least Blair said he suffered “doubts” over Iraq.

      But Mr Brown, the ‘saviour’ of the economy since 1997, seems unable to admit that he may have misjudged a few things, EVEN on the economy, much less on Wilders.

      As to the economy, I am not insisting that it IS all his fault, although we can be sure it’s not Blair’s. (He wouldn’t let Blair touch macro economic decisions. That was Brown’s baby. Letting him have the first and last word was the only way Blair could keep him and the Left onside.) But I DO think that Brown didn’t set up the regulatory framework properly when he gave the Bank of England independence from the government. Nor did he see the warning signs of over-spend on credit cards years ago. Not that he could have done a lot about it, since we would only have borrowed from American credit card companies, if he’d tightened things here. So I give him 6 out of 10 on the economy, since most of the time since 1997 it has been pretty good.

      As for Wilders, I await his further visits to other EU countries AND to America in the next few weeks. THEN we will see that Brown had it wrong over the Wilders decision. Not that Brown will admit it. I do not expect to see riots or civil unrest anywhere in the world following Wilders’ visits. Wilders’ input will add to the general knowledge but I do not think civilised people will stand up and scream “Kill the bast***s”. They haven’t in Italy, and that is far hotter temperamentally than Britain.

      It’s fear, and nothing else, that stopped Brown and Co.

      I give him 1 out of 10 on Wilders. Because you have to give him SOMEthing to encourage him out of his fearful state.

      And now the British National Party is breathing down all political necks. Serves them right.

      But it’s all right! Brown is, it seems, to visit Obama in Washington in 10 days time. Wonder if Sarkozy or Merkel can get there in 9 days? Still, for Big O it’ll all be downhill from here. After all, when you’ve already met the best (TB), the others are no more than ‘the rest’.

  2. Posts about Live Cricket as of February 21, 2009 Says:

    […] and early 80s. They preach a form of patriotism that is nothing to do with cream-teas, cricket NEWSFLASH! Wilders allowed to speak in Rome. NO RIOTS … tch tch – 02/21/2009 Home “That’s all the news so far. No word yet on […]

  3. centurean2 Says:

    Heard anything-just received this?.

    If anyone has any more info I’d be grateful, but in the meantime your thoughts and prayers for Patrick Sookhdeo are clearly needed!!!

    PS: More info on the ‘Barnabus Fund’ here:
    ——– Original Message ——– Subject: Re: [Fwd: ISLAM – ‘Vote’ for Australian PM]
    Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:13:37 +0000

    I don’t know if you are aware of it yet but there has been a major incident with the Barnabas Fund sending out an urgent prayer request for the safety of their founder, Patrick Sookhdeo, a converted Muslim, who seems to have been betrayed by some other so called Christians to Islamic fundamentalists. I will keep you posted. In the meantime the brave Bishop of Rochester and his family need permanent police protection!


  4. Stan Says:

    Not surprised that Wilders was welcomed in Rome. Italy is notoriously anti-Muslim (even my left-leaning cousin who lives in Florence is prejudiced in this respect). The country now has a strongly right-wing government with fascist associations, led by Berlusconi, who is very much in the Mussolini mould.

    In short, Wilders is one of their own.

    • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

      Stan, if you don’t mind me saying so you seem more than happy to dig yourself into a bigger hole here.

      1. If you are right, Stan, WHY in such an “anti-Muslim” land as Italy were there no riots as a result of Wilders’ visit? Surely an anti-Muslim land is just waiting for such as him to stir it up? THE fear of civil unrest was the nonsense cited by this government as the reason NOT to allow Wilders’ entry and thus deny him free speech. It was more the fear that we would finally see our land for what it now is – the most PRO-Muslim in Europe – the only one with Sharia courts. That realisation would have lost Labour the next election for sure and would have handed a boost to the racist BNP, since no other major party is against the dhimmification of Britain.

      2. “Fascists” or not, in the Mussolini mould or not at LEAST the Italians have permitted free speech. Whereas OUR crowd of wastes of a vote have denied it. I did not notice them criticising (Lord) Ahmed for threatening to mobilise 10,000.[For the nest 12 … er … 6 weeks he is free to mobilise from behind bars, if he so wishes!]

      (My bottom line – free speech – in this argument.)

      3. The constant reasons why others whose judgement is evidently not be trusted and is SO fallible (unlike yours) are, from this government and YOUR side, an insult to the intelligence of the rest of us. I do not need to be protected from hearing someone’s opinion. I can judge whether he is right or wrong if ALL arguments are heard. So this government behaviour is FASCISM writ large. Control the input and thus the output, is their doctrine.

      These “reasons” are also above all and BEFORE all else – even before “fear” – an affront to democracy. At NO time in any manifesto, were we ever told that the FREE SPEECH of another EU citizen, much less another elected EU MP would be seen as dangerous in the mould of the rantings of the wild men in London mosques (still allowed to rant, without let or hindrance.)

      4. So if Wilders is “one of their own”, who is one of our own? Anjem Choudary? The British-born lawyer who feels no loyalty to this country? The one who weekly threatens us within our shores?

      Or is “one of our own” the anti-Jew left-wing press in Britain – viz the Guardian? Are you comfortable with that? I’m not.

      Or are we so all-seeing in our judgement that we are exempt from identifying our own, as in the great liberal tradition of seeing everyone and everything as a friend (even if well-disguised and causing mayhem and destabilisation?)

      Given that choice, and if you are right as regards Italy, I’d rather have Italian certainties as to “our own”.

      It still completely evades me how a good, honest, thoughtful man like you, Stan, cannot see the difference here, and the REAL threat. It is, imho, from unfettered Islamisation of our country, aided and abetted by the cancellation of Free Speech when it suits our ‘government’.

      I may be wrong about the (Islamification) threat – I will know when it is debated openly in the public square!!! But I am NOT wrong about the cancellation of Free Speech.

      THAT’S the biggest threat.


      Watch now while the left press bleat about the fact that Straw has vetoed the publication of the Iraq War minutes. THAT is not theirs to know, as it impinges on the government’s right – yes the government’s right to speak freely at Cabinet meetings. The FREE SPEECH of an individual is, or should be, ours to know. But the press has an agenda, and you and I know that, Stan.

      Sadly it seems to me that you are on the side of the OUR GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT gang at the Guardian/Independent/Mail.

      I do not have much time for the present government and its lack of leadership certainties, as you know, but it is no more ‘corrupt’ than any previous administration.

      I can hardly wait until the Tories run the whole shooting match!

  5. Stan Says:

    KTBFPM, this is not about about whether there is a threat or not, it’s about the best way of dealing with it. IMHO free speech for Wilders confrontational approach is counterproductive because it gets in the way of winning the moderates over to our side and is likely to result in a bloody clash.

    The Italians are not too worried about these possible consequences because like all right-wing authoritarian governments they believe in draconian measures irrespective of whether the innocent are caught up in them.

    • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

      And the best way of dealing with these threats is to go on appeasing them as we have done for DECADES, and not just since 2003?

      I actually do NOT find Wilders approach confrontational. I find Islamists’ ranting confrontational. I find murders, kidnaps, threats to non-Muslims in MY country confrontational. I find rants through London where the police ar instructed to run away from wild animals – yes that’s what I think they are – CONFRONTATIONAL. But I do not see Wilders’ video as confrontational. Only factual.

      Have you watched it? Think I asked you that before. Don’t think I had an answer.

      The British government’s behaviour in MY once free land is abominable and disgraceful and I will not cease to be of this opinion.

      Again, you haven’t answered me this, either, Stan: if Italians are such an awful hot-headed lot and their government so corrupt, authoritarian and draconian, why have we heard nothing about riots since Wilders’ visit?

      Why haven’t their police killed a few demonstrators, or at least locked up a few? We’d have heard in this internet age if they had, believe me.

      There is no point in making empty statements about a whole nation or race (something I do not do, detrimentally, though I have been known to praise Jews for being particularly bright!?!) if you have no present proof of behaviour to back up these accusations.

  6. vctleman Says:


    Pvda gaat moslims helpen voor een ” goede baan” bij de politie!Het is een levensgevaarlijk proces… Het is niet voor niets dat nu Jihadisten een belangrijke post willen veroveren voor hun doel!
    Nederlandse overheidsdiensten en nutsbedrijven zijn geïnfiltreerd door Jihadistische moslims. De militante Moslims hebben zich als een kwaadaardig gezwel over de NL uitgezaaid. Veel overheids instellingen plegen op deze manier zelfmoord door het in dienst nemen van infiltranten en andere soort moslimstrijders…

    Nu wordt er in Nederland massaal gescandeerd: “Hollanders zijn vijanden van Allah! Islam is de oplossing!’, aldus ISIS en Hamas aanhangers uit Den Haag..Deze moslims worden steeds agressiever, veeleisender, brutaler…wat een arrogantie! De islam begint zich steeds meer te roeren: nou is het ook niet vreemd dat ze steeds meer eisen gaan stellen want ze zijn altijd in de watten gelegd. Als er deze jihadistische jongeren weer welkom worden geheten, zou de eerste vorm van geweld zich al wel eens aan kunnen dienen. PVDA blijft, en dan Islamitische gezinshereniging, importbruiden, invasie van Noord_afrikanen in alle vormen en maten gaat goor. Het blijft.

    PVDA, D66 hebben de moslims nodig voor hun herverkiezing en wordt dit electoraat met allerlei voorrechten omgekocht.

    De PvdA is geen partij voor de gewone Nederlanders. Het is een partij van islamisten en bureaucratische elite. De elite schuiven elkaar steeds goed betaalde baantjes toe, en maar blijven graaien. En vooral nog meer buitenlanders hier heen halen, want dat betekent meer stemmen! Nu zijn het marokanen en Turken en straks met het huidig immigratiebeleid de somaliers, en hele geïslamiseerde Afrika! Ook deze moslims passen zich niet aan! Sterker nog, zij willen dat wij ze op hun wenken bedienen.

    De Islamitische groeperingen hebben namelijk 2 gezichten, als ze een keer meerderheid krijgen in een wijk, dan praten helaas de taal van geweld en wapens hebben macht – zo een sterke invloed dat de macht van het getal niet meer ter sprake komt. De meerderheid laat zich al snel onderwerpen aan de radicale minderheid die ook meer middelen heeft – Althans zover de Nederlandse steden. Kijk eens naar de Schilderwijk in Den haag die massaal de ISIS de armen heeft gesloten!

    De rol van de gevreesde groepen wordt steeds groter. Immers, het gaat hier om mannen die al veel ervaring hebben opgedaan in andere gebieden zoals Libie, Syrie, irak, Afghanistan, Gaza, Libanon, Tsjetsjenië, Kasjmir en Bosnië. Het wordt nog erger, Jihadisten krijgen nu moderne wapens, ze bezetten belangrijke olievelden in Irak, Syrie en Libië en stichten hun dictatoriale regimes weer…

    Verschillende instanties beweren dat alleen 19 % van de moslims in Nederland voorstander is van geweld om het geloof uit te dragen. 19 procent lijkt welliswaar weinig maar op 2 miljoen moslims zijn dat dus heel veel moslims die een dergelijke aanpak prefereren. Dat is natuurlijk wel een signaal.

    Veel Arabische landen en Turkije, smokkelen raketten, zenuwgas en andere chemische wapens naar terroristen in Syrie, Irak, Libie en Gaza.

    Oplossing: Gewoon nergens meer moslims aannemen. Dubbele nationaliteit afpakken en een wet invoeren dat buitenlanders die binnen 1 jaar geen werk heeft, het land uit te zetten.

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