Bush and Blair to open new Ground Zero Mosque on 9/11 2011

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    15th August 2010

    PRESS RELEASE, 4th JULY 2011 (SPOOF. Please note. NOT to be taken seriously*)

    Bush and Blair to open new Ground Zero Mosque on 9/11 2011

    Ten years to the day that fundamentalist Islamists brought down the World Trade Center in New York with a plane laden with passengers, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W Bush will pay tribute to the rise of Islamism in the once cutely named land of the free, home of the brave. Thousands are expected to attend the opening of the Grand Mosque/Community Center a few hundreds yards from Ground Zero, where the remains of many of the 3,000 plus victims of Islamic fundamentalism still lie.

    The two men most associated with the once then strong response to fundamentalist violent Islamism are today, American Independence Day, on a fact-finding visit to the building site.  Even though the roof is not yet fully in place local Muslims queue for hours in order to worship at the incomplete “community center”.

    Asked if he thought the building of this mosque was a touch insensitive, even insulting, being so near to the spot where almost 3,000 people lost their lives, Mr Blair responded, hesitantly –

    “Well, things move on. Some of us are more easily insulted than others. This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the fucked fluxed pieces fell a certain way, and President Obama has given the Mosque his blessing.  Who are we mere mortals to think he may be wrong? Anyway, the deal is that the Grand New York People’s Mosque will be the first Islamic organisation to join up with my Faith Foundation for Religious and Global understanding.

    President Bush added, “I’m with Tony. As he said once, it’s all about our relatives and their morals, relatively speaking. And religion is always right, as long as it’s sort of, kinda religious. I mean Muslims too have been killed by non-Islamist fundamentalists, right?”

    “Yeah, right muttered Mr Blair, as the compulsory armed Muslim bodyguard closed in menacingly around both men.

    Mr Bush quipped, in an effort to raise a smile from the bodyguards, “If my buddy can’t explain it like it is, we all have to convert conform or die.  Now take your shoes off Tony and let’s get right in there with the People of America.”


    From the YouTube channel: MikePukin | 28 July 2006 –

    After a lead in from President Bush, Tony Blair NAILS why the war against terror is so necessary. The video is almost 6 minutes long, but this is the best explanation of why the free world must stay the course that I have ever seen.


    NOTE*: The above is a fictional press release, of course. More on the real politics of the Ground Zero mosque at a later post.

    UPDATE to NOTE: A commenter seems to have missed this warning. I hope I’ve made it clearer now.



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    A recent comment from an Albanian, Mr Leonard Dedej from Tirana – “It takes big leaders to make the hardest turns in peoples life…mr Blair is a big leader and a great man for millions of people in Balkans!!!for stopping a savage war!about Iraq I believe that the press wherever it is has not the right to judge on this issue because it simply is to small to judge!!history will judge mr Blair!as long as it is an ongoing war no one can blame mr Blair,after all he started something for a big reason..the press its often wrong because it fights for audience!!!”

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    11 Responses to “Bush and Blair to open new Ground Zero Mosque on 9/11 2011”

    1. S. Robsville Says:

      Islam WILL DOMINATE!!!

    2. Dave Weeden Says:

      I don’t understand this. Have you changed your mind about Blair? This is a made-up press release isn’t it? The “ground zero mosque” isn’t at ground zero and isn’t a mosque.

      • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

        @ Dave Weedon,

        Linked from the top and clear, I thought, again at the bottom I explain that it is not true. I’d better make it clearer. But no, I have not changed my mind about Blair. He is still the one politician – perhaps the only one who “gets ” it, imho.

        Unfortunately much of the west is in free-fall capitulation mode and not listening to him any more. And since he does have a lot of empathy with religions, perhps he’ll end up opening this center.

        Btw, it has a mosque as part of it, as the millions of non-Muslim American against it and Obama’s weasel words about it, will be able to tell you. If I find another link or two I’ll add them. Meanwhile google it. It is, as I say above a few hundred yards from Gound Zero. See map above. And I’ve visited that huge hole. It’s bound to have a view to Ground Zero, with the gaps where other buildings used to be, that either came down or were taken down afterwards.

        Insensitive. I’m insulted, as some of us like to say about drawings and cartoons.

        I don’t really expect Bush and/or Blair to open this “community center”. But, if we’re all stuck with the growing Islmisation of the west, which it seems to me we all are – (for instance, CamClegg/Obama/any Milband – NONE of them mention it as an issue) – well, you never know.

    3. Dave Weeden Says:

      OK, I saw there was the link, but I didn’t click it, and didn’t read the bit at the bottom. I was obtuse.

      What’s your point? You seem to be having a go at Blair (and now at David Miliband, the most Blairite Labour Leadership candidate).

      Cordoba House will be a community centre which will include a mosque. Given how built-up Manhattan is, unless you have Superman-like x-ray vision, you will not be able to see the hole in the ground that is Ground Zero. It’s also private property, and in America one can pretty much do what one likes on one’s own property. Nor can the government curtail the right to religious worship. But perhaps you hate America. I can’t tell.

      The Pentagon was also hit in the 9/11 attacks. There is a mosque there too. No one has complained. The moral panic around Cordoba House is nothing other than bigotry.

      • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

        I’m not having a go at Blair, though Miliband doesn’t impress me. None of these “leadership” contenders do. If I’m having a go at anyone or any group it’s about the attitude towards those of us who see a threat from Islamism. Obviously in its fundamentalist form, but also at least to SOME extent, in its everyday form, since we are not all that clear what that is.

        Typical of the wrong-headed attitude is your remark here “nothing other than bigotry”. I think that approach is nothing other than stupidity. But I wouldn’t have said that until you threw the bigot word around. Thrown so casually as with the “racist” word by some. BOTH WRONG.

        The point that escapes you is that the Ground Zero hole in the ground is a reminder of painful times for the Americans. They can decide to put what they like there, of course. But to decide to put the symbol of the religion some of whose proponents MADE that hole in the first place seems stupidity multiplied by 1000. It’d be like building a replica statue of liberty at Hiroshima. It is an insult.

        Btw, when was the mosque built at The Pentagon? Since 9/11? Details please for my further edification, if you don’t mind. A url will suffice.

        I love America. In fact I may move there before too long if this blind country doesn’t pull its finger out.

    4. Dave Weeden Says:

      URLs: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2007/oct/3/pentagon-observes32muslim-holy-month/



      You say you love America. But not the first amendment, clearly.

      • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

        Yes, interesting. And now that you remind me, isn’t there also a mosque inside Congress? I think there is. And some have complained about Muslims praying time – 5 times a day etc. No smoking breaks. Just prayer breaks.

        Somehow, although yes, it DOES irritate me if there are no Christian churches or synagogues inside such government buildings to balance the mosques – that aside, somehow none of these are quite as in-your-face as a mosque at Ground Zero. If you can’t see the comparative difference here then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

        As for the first amendment – I do not wish to see an established religion in America. But it’s up to them. As they altered their constitution in the past they may do so again. Who knows?

        We DO have an established religion in this country, though. The one Guardianistos hate. Or should I say – one of the two they hate. The other being Judaism.

        Btw, I have no religious beliefs. So no religious axe to grind. But this country’s democracy is based on Christianity. So I often wear a crucifix. Odd? Not really. To me it is the CROSS of DEMOCRACY. Christianity framed and developed our democracy over centuries.

        This is something the koran declares no interest in – democracy – except as a backdoor entry vehicle.

        Read your koran and ask questions about a caliphate before you conclude that all religions are the same. None of them, NOT one of them is like Islam. It is a political religion, with political ambitions.

        I wish Tony Blair all the best with his faith foundation, I really do. But I doubt if he’ll live long enough to see its inclusivity extend as far as it needs to. That could take decades, even centuries. IMHO.

        Perhaps I’m wrong. But perhaps because I personally do not need any religion to keep me content or fulfilled, I do not wish to see a politicised religion anywhere near the top of government in western countries. Secularism is not the enemy that the religious often describe it as. It allows for all religions and none.

        If and only if all religious people, like all secularists and atheists (not the same thing, btw) sign up to state secularism, the law is the state’s law, not Allah’s as the koran insists it should be. And we can always change the laws and the governments of the state.

      • keeptonyblairforpm Says:

        Yes, interesting. And now that you remind me, isn’t there also a mosque inside Congress? I think there is. And some have complained about Muslims praying time – 5 times a day etc. No smoking breaks. Just prayer breaks.

        Somehow, although yes, it DOES irritate me if there are no Christian churches or synagogues inside such government buildings to balance the mosques – that aside, somehow none of these are quite as in-your-face as a mosque at Ground Zero. If you can’t see the comparative difference here then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

        As for the first amendment – I do not wish to see an established religion in America. But it’s up to them. As they altered their constitution in the past they may do so again. Who knows?

        We DO have an established religion in this country, though. The one Guradianistos hate. Or should I day one of the two they hate. The other being Judaism.

        Btw, I have no religious beliefs. So no religious axe to grind. But this country’s democracy is based on Christianity. So I often wear a crucifix. Odd? Not really. To me it is the CROSS of DEMOCRACY. Christianity framed and developed our democracy over centuries.

        This is something the koran declares no interest in – democracy – except as a backdoor entry vehicle.

        Read your koran and ask questions about a caliphate before you conclude that all religions are the same. None of them, NOT one of them is like Islam. It is a political religion, with political ambitions.

        I wish Tony Blair all the best with his faith foundation, I really do. But I doubt if he’ll live long enough to see its inclusivity extend as far as it needs to. That could take decades, even centuries. IMHO.

        Perhaps I’m wrong. But perhaps because I personally do not need any religion to keep me content or fulfilled, I do not wish to see a politicised religion anywhere near the top of government in western countries. Secularism is not the enemy that the religious often describe it as. It allows for all religions and none.

        If and only if all religious people, like all secularists and atheists (not the same thing, btw) sign up to state secularism, the law is the state’s law, not Allah’s as the koran insists it should be.

    5. little ole American Says:

      Bigotry has nothing to do with the opposition to this Mosque (even President Obama referred to the Cultural Center as a Mosque when he spoke at the Ramadan Dinner). Human bone bits are still being found almost a mile away from Ground Zero. What is objectionable is what the builders (Faisel and his wife Daisy) said about the attacks on 9/11. Mzzzz. Daisy said, and I quote, “America is indirectly to blame for the attacks on 9/11”. Faisel has openly supported Hamas. I was listening to Daisy rant on about this on the radio (The Hannity Show) just a few days ago. You can find it in several places. She went on to say that it was our fault because, “when we helped Bin Laden to oust the Russians from Afghanistan, we left, and that opened to the door to the rise of the Taliban” (apparently, she wanted the US to stay there and run the country?). Guess we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t , ha?
      At that time, Osama Bin Laden was a hero to the Afghans. So, why didn’t HE stay in Afghanistan to help rebuild the country? I’ll tell you why;. he didn’t give a sh*t about Afghanistan. He had/has his own agenda.
      If Faisel and Daisy were really interested in “integrating” and honoring our freedoms, they would take the 100 million dollars they are using to build the Mosque and donate it to the building of the 9/11 Memorial or they could take their cue from Tony Blair and donate the 100 million to our many Veteran’s organizations. Can you imagine?
      We have many American Indian Casinos in our area. The Elders of the tribes have generously donated to the building of “Public” Schools, a baseball stadium, Veteran’s organizations, and Childrens’ Hospitals, just to name a few. They are giving back to the community that supports them. They do not check our blood-type at the door to see if we are a member of the tribe. We are simply Americans, making merry together.
      Perhaps, we should invite Faisel and Mz. Daisy to tour one of our beautiful Casinos. They might learn something about being an American.

    6. Dave Weeden Says:

      As I understand it, the prayer rooms inside the Pentagon and the White House are not ‘mosques’ as such. They’re just prayer spaces, and multifaith. Some religions require houses of worship to be consecrated, but Islam, AFAIK, doesn’t. No one seems to have a problem with Muslims praying in either building. The US has been very tolerant – partly because Islam did not attack the US. Al-Qaeda, a very small, isolated terror group did. Blaming Islam is like blaming the left, including the Labour Party, for the Baader-Meinhof Gang.

      I don’t really wish to argue about all of this. I only commented because I didn’t understand what looked like sudden hostility to Blair. I thought maybe you’d learned something new about him http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/694229.stm

      I disagree with you about just about everything, it seems.

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