Bush – Shuns PC to Tell it Like it Is


Comment at end

30th April 2008


I just received this from a regular reader. Thanks for that.

The president ‘sins’ here, it seems. And I say, “God bless the sinner”.

Talking about confronting “jihadists” – a term which it seems has been banned from use – the president sounds well, VERY presidential.

Watch the Fox TV clip here

In the USA politicians too are as limited as we are here in Britain in the political correctness stakes. Calling a spade a spade is frowned upon on both sides of the Atlantic by the literati and commentariat.

Well … tough.

Here, the president sounds like Tony Blair (watch him here) when he explained what this struggle is all about. Perhaps some in the press and as a result, the public will finally sit up and take notice.

It’s not about Bush’s legacy, as they claim. It is about their, our future.

We don’t see this kind of President in Action often enough.

Well done Mr President.

Article from Hot Air

‘This video is a keeper. When a reporter challenges George Bush on his credibility when he describes the US as winning in Afghanistan, Bush at first tries to explain that “winning” doesn’t mean the war is over. Bush notes that he has said repeatedly that tough fighting remains ahead. After the reporter tries asking the same question again, Bush vents his frustration.

How frustrated did Bush get? He violated the State Department policy outlawing the use of the word “jihadist”, as the boss notes. Maybe Condoleezza Rice will send him a harshly-worded memo.

Overall, though, this exemplifies the vapidity of American war coverage. We saw this in the Basra coverage, where the initial pushback by Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army got portrayed as a great victory and an embarrassing loss for Nouri al-Maliki — and within 48 hours, Sadr started offering terms for retreat. When Maliki’s forces liberated Basra a few days later, the media outlets responded by reminding everyone that the Mahdis fought back, and therefore the victory didn’t count as much.

This war will not be won in the space of a few weeks or months, in Afghanistan or anywhere else. The US and NATO have to build the Afghan government and security forces to be strong enough to maintain their own security. In Iraq, an industrialized nation with at least the traditions of modern governance, that has taken years to accomplish and appears to be on the verge of success. In Afghanistan, which has no such tradition, it will take much longer.

Does that mean we’re losing? Of course not. Does it mean that the enemy will never attempt to attack, and sometimes succeed? Of course not. However, we can count on our media to fail to look past the current news cycle and shriek failure at the earliest possible moment. Small wonder that Bush vented his frustration; after six-plus years of reporting the war, one would have hoped that the media would have learned to do it right.’


And here Tony Blair puts it better than I have ever heard it put. And still, the idiots say that he and Bush are the evil ones.

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2 Responses to “Bush – Shuns PC to Tell it Like it Is”

  1. Lord Levy: Blair said - “Liar (Brown) … can’t beat Cameron” « Tony Blair Says:

    […] Bush – Shuns PC to Tell it Like it Is […]

  2. shaz Says:

    Well done Mr President you need to do more of it !!


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