“Education, Education, Education” – Congrats 2 All

Comment at end

22nd August, 2008


If you’re a spelling pain-in-the-backside, and still jump up and down in a catatonic fit when people confuse their “there” with their “their” and their “they’re”, you might be chewing on salt today.

And if you are an employer who finds many would-be employees incapable of communicating except through text shorthand lingo you’re probably equally reticent to recognise as generously as you might the high achievements of today’s youngsters.

But, given that by all accounts they are facing harder exams and are achieving higher grades than many of us did, when there were about 10% of us going on to higher education, generosity of spirit and congratulations is due to all those receiving great results today.

I just wish they could spell!

According to all the reports I have heard today, schools are happy with the triple education pledge of Mr Blair and his government and largely see it as having been successful over the last ten or eleven years.

Good. I’m pleased.

Now please children, remember this:

There is no apostrophe in the plural of nouns. It’s just “apples”; honestly.

Oh, and there is no apostrophe in the possessive of the indefinite article. For example, with reference to your school, it isn’t it’s results were outstanding”.

It should be: “its results were outstanding, (more or less, if the spelling, grammar and punctuation are ignored).

It’s right to say, “it’s great to get three A*s”.

But it’s wrong to say, it’s great to get three A*’s

You could just say – “My school dun great. Its results were brill”.

Is it only me who finds this kind of basic murder of English irritating?



It’s only me.

Guardian says ‘could do better’ – not the kids, the government, of COURSE!



I halve a spelling checker,
It came with my pea see.
It plainly marks four my revue
Mistakes I dew knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait aweigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the era rite
Its rarely ever wrong.

I’ve scent this massage threw it,
And I’m shore your pleased too no
Its letter prefect in every weigh;
My checker tolled me sew.

Halve a nays day. In joy!

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2 Responses to ““Education, Education, Education” – Congrats 2 All”

  1. DINO Says:

    This is what makes it paradoxical between the English native speakers and foreign learners. Most English speaking people have been exposed to English. They have strong sense of language and express their ideas spontaneously without thinking further what expressions need to be used. Lack of attention is given to spelling; thus, most students very often make misspellings in writing, while we, Indonesians, are also exposed to English grammar, structure, spelling , vocabulary as well as reading( not listening and speaking), only a bit writing. Consequently, we are very good at grammar and structure as well as reading and vocabulary tests. The intentionally very creative -misspelling-made text above is a very interesting test for our children to see whether or not we need to take more time to teach them spellings.

  2. Sttephen Borkowski Says:

    Stretching the title–Schools in Modesto, Cal and partially copied in other school districts are teaching about religion in public schools. Up until the past decade, teachers in public schools have gotten farther apart concerning religion , Using the word God seemed
    to have become related to a taboo. It is time that all schools around the world teach about the major religions along with History . I wish the Blair Foundation would attempt to see such a policy become
    a reality.

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